Powerful Prayer for For God to Grant Us Forgiveness.

In this prayer for Accepted Forgiveness, we approach God with humility and gratitude, acknowledging our need for His mercy and grace. We recognize our shortcomings and seek reconciliation with Him, seeking His forgiveness for our transgressions. We reflect on the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ and the opportunity He has given us for redemption. This prayer also emphasizes our desire to understand and accept God’s forgiveness fully, extending it to ourselves and others. We surrender our past mistakes to God, embracing His second chances and committing ourselves to live a life of righteousness and holiness. Throughout this prayer, we express our gratitude for God’s faithfulness and His willingness to forgive us when we come to Him with genuine repentance.

Prayer for Accepted Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, I humbly come before Your throne, acknowledging my need for Your forgiveness. I stand here, burdened by the weight of my transgressions, seeking Your mercy and grace. Lord, Your love knows no bounds, and Your forgiveness is endless. I thank You for the gift of forgiveness, for the opportunity to be reconciled with You and experience the freedom that comes from being accepted by You.

Father, I confess that I have fallen short of Your perfect standard. I have allowed pride, anger, envy, and selfishness to take root in my heart. I have spoken words that hurt others, and I have harbored bitterness and resentment. I have neglected to love my neighbor as myself and failed to put others before me. Lord, I repent of all my sins, known and unknown, and I ask for Your forgiveness. Wash me clean, O Lord, and make me new.

Thank You, dear Father, for the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed on the cross for my sins. Through His death and resurrection, I have been granted the opportunity to be forgiven and reconciled with You. I am in awe of the magnitude of Your love and grace, for You have taken my sins upon Yourself and granted me forgiveness that I do not deserve.

Lord, I pray that You would help me internalize the reality of Your forgiveness. Let it penetrate every area of my life, transforming me from the inside out. Grant me the strength to forgive myself, just as You have forgiven me. Help me to let go of guilt and shame, and to embrace the freedom that comes from knowing I am accepted by You.

Father, I also ask for the grace to extend forgiveness to those who have wronged me. I release any bitterness, resentment, and desire for revenge. Help me to see others through Your eyes, to love them unconditionally, and to offer them the same forgiveness that You have given me. May my life be a reflection of Your love and grace, as I choose to walk in forgiveness and reconciliation.

Lord, I surrender my past to You, with all its mistakes and failures. I lay it at Your feet, knowing that You are the God of second chances and new beginnings. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, empowering me to live a life that is pleasing to You. Help me to make amends where necessary, to seek reconciliation with those I have hurt, and to pursue a life of righteousness and holiness.

Father, I thank You for the assurance that when I come to You in genuine repentance, You are faithful and just to forgive me. Your forgiveness is not based on my merits or deeds but on Your abundant grace. Help me to live each day in the light of Your forgiveness, relying on Your strength and guidance to navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

In Your mercy and compassion, hear my prayer, O Lord. I am grateful for Your unconditional love and acceptance. May Your forgiveness permeate every aspect of my life and enable me to walk in the freedom and joy that comes from being forgiven and accepted by You.

I pray all this in the precious name of Jesus.


Ten Bible verses on God’s forgiveness along with explanations of their meaning:

  1. 1 John 1:9 – “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Explanation: This verse assures us that when we confess our sins and genuinely seek God’s forgiveness, He is faithful and just to forgive us completely. It highlights God’s faithfulness to His promises and His desire to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
  2. Psalm 103:12 – “As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.” Explanation: God’s forgiveness is so complete that He separates our sins from us as far as the east is from the west. It symbolizes the infinite distance between our forgiven selves and the sins that no longer define us.
  3. Isaiah 1:18 – “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” Explanation: This verse portrays the transformational power of God’s forgiveness. Our sins, no matter how deeply stained, can be washed away, and we can be made pure and clean through God’s redemptive work.
  4. Micah 7:18 – “Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love.” Explanation: This verse reminds us of the uniqueness of God’s forgiveness. He pardons our sins and chooses not to hold onto His anger indefinitely. His forgiveness flows from His boundless love and mercy for us.
  5. Ephesians 1:7 – “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.” Explanation: Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, we have redemption and forgiveness of our sins. This forgiveness is not based on our own merit but on the abundant grace of God, freely given to us through Christ.
  6. Colossians 1:13-14 – “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Explanation: Through faith in Jesus, God rescues us from the power of sin and brings us into His kingdom. We experience forgiveness of our sins through Jesus’ work on the cross, which is the foundation of our redemption.
  7. Matthew 6:14-15 – “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Explanation: This verse emphasizes the importance of extending forgiveness to others. Just as God forgives us, He expects us to forgive those who have wronged us. Our willingness to forgive reflects our understanding of God’s forgiveness towards us.
  8. Psalm 32:1-2 – “Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.” Explanation: This passage speaks of the blessedness that comes from receiving God’s forgiveness. When we confess our sins and find forgiveness in God, we experience the joy of knowing that our transgressions are not counted against us, and our spirits are free from deceit.
  9. Luke 7:47 – “Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” Explanation: In this account of a woman who anointed Jesus’ feet, Jesus highlights the correlation between love and forgiveness. The woman’s deep gratitude for her forgiveness led to an outpouring of love. It reminds us that recognizing the magnitude of our forgiveness will inspire greater love and devotion to God.
  10. Romans 8:1 – “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Explanation: Through our faith in Christ, we are set free from condemnation. God’s forgiveness erases our guilt and shame, allowing us to live with the assurance that we are accepted and loved by Him. We can approach Him without fear of judgment or condemnation.

Ten tips on accepting forgiveness

Tips to help ensure that your prayer of forgiveness is received and accepted by God:

  1. Approach God with sincerity and humility: Come before God with a genuine desire for forgiveness and a humble heart, acknowledging your need for His mercy and grace.
  2. Confess your sins honestly and specifically: Be open and honest with God about your wrongdoing. Confess your sins, both known and unknown, specifically, and express remorse for them.
  3. Repent and turn away from sin: True repentance involves not only confessing your sins but also making a sincere commitment to turn away from them. Express your genuine desire to change and seek God’s help in living a righteous life.
  4. Believe in the power of Jesus’ sacrifice: Place your faith in Jesus Christ and the atoning sacrifice He made on the cross. Believe that His death and resurrection provide the foundation for your forgiveness and acceptance by God.
  5. Ask for forgiveness in Jesus’ name: Pray in the name of Jesus, acknowledging His role as the mediator between you and God. Recognize that it is through His name that you can find forgiveness and reconciliation with God.
  6. Express gratitude for God’s forgiveness: Show gratitude for God’s mercy and grace. Thank Him for His willingness to forgive and for the sacrifice of Jesus that makes forgiveness possible.
  7. Forgive others: As you seek forgiveness from God, also express your willingness to forgive those who have wronged you. Release any bitterness or resentment, and ask for God’s help in cultivating a forgiving heart.
  8. Trust in God’s faithfulness and promises: Have faith in God’s faithfulness and His promises of forgiveness. Trust that He will hear your prayer and extend His forgiveness to you as you genuinely seek it.
  9. Be patient and persistent: Understand that the process of forgiveness is not always instant. Be patient and persistent in your prayers, seeking God’s forgiveness with a steadfast heart.
  10. Embrace a lifestyle of forgiveness: Beyond the prayer itself, commit to living a life marked by forgiveness. Continually seek God’s guidance to extend forgiveness to others and to walk in the freedom and grace that forgiveness brings.


I stand in awe of Your unfathomable love and boundless grace. As I conclude this prayer for Accepted Forgiveness, I am grateful for the assurance that You are a God who forgives, redeems, and restores. You offer me the gift of forgiveness, a chance to be reconciled with You and others. I am humbled by Your mercy and grateful for the opportunity to accept Your forgiveness.

Lord, as I leave this sacred moment of prayer, I carry with me a renewed sense of purpose and hope. I am resolved to live a life marked by gratitude, compassion, and a deep understanding of Your forgiveness. I embrace the truth that I am worthy of forgiveness and release myself from the burden of guilt and shame.

Help me, dear Father, to extend forgiveness to others as You have done for me. Enable me to let go of bitterness and resentment, choosing love and reconciliation instead. Grant me the strength to mend broken relationships, to offer a compassionate heart, and to foster an environment of forgiveness in all aspects of my life.

As I navigate the journey of life, may Your forgiveness be my anchor, reminding me of Your unwavering love and grace. Teach me to learn from my mistakes, to grow in wisdom and understanding, and to embrace the opportunities for transformation that forgiveness brings.

Thank You, loving God, for the promise that in You, there is no condemnation. I am free from the chains of sin and guilt, accepted and cherished as Your beloved child. As I go forth from this prayer, may I carry Your forgiveness in my heart, radiating Your love and grace to all those I encounter.

In the name of Jesus, who gave His life for my forgiveness, I pray.


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