A Prayer For Deliverance From Addictions.

Addiction is a powerful force that can grip our lives and leave us feeling helpless and trapped. It affects people from all walks of life, causing immense physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. Breaking free from the chains of addiction requires a combination of personal willpower, professional help, and, most importantly, divine intervention. Recognizing the need for deliverance, many turn to prayer as a source of solace, guidance, and strength. Prayer has the power to connect us with a higher power and ignite the transformative process within us. In this prayer for deliverance from addictions, we humbly approach God, acknowledging our weaknesses and surrendering our lives to His mercy and grace. Through this prayer, we seek healing, restoration, and the courage to overcome our struggles. Let us join together in faith and unity, knowing that with God’s help, freedom from addiction is possible.


Heavenly Father, I come before you today, humbly seeking your guidance and deliverance from the chains of addiction that have bound me. Lord, you are a compassionate and loving God, full of mercy and grace. I acknowledge that I am powerless over my addictions and that I need your divine intervention to set me free. I surrender my will and my life to you, placing my trust in your unfailing love.

Lord, I confess all my struggles and shortcomings before you. I admit that my addiction has caused harm to myself and others. I ask for your forgiveness and for the strength to make amends and heal the wounds that I have caused. Help me to understand the root causes of my addiction, and guide me on the path towards healing and wholeness.

Lord Jesus, you are the ultimate source of freedom and deliverance. You have promised that those who come to you will find rest for their souls. I claim that promise today. I ask that you break the chains of addiction that have enslaved me and restore me to a life of joy, peace, and purpose.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit, Lord. Let your light shine into the darkest corners of my heart and mind. Replace the cravings and urges with your peace and love. Help me to resist temptation and to find strength in you. Give me the wisdom to recognize the triggers and the courage to avoid them.

Father, I pray for a support system to surround me during this journey of recovery. Surround me with people who will encourage and uplift me, who will hold me accountable and provide me with godly counsel. Guide me to support groups and resources that will aid in my healing process. Help me to be vulnerable and open about my struggles, so that others may also find hope and healing through your grace.

Lord, I pray for renewed strength and perseverance each day. Some days may be harder than others, but I know that with you by my side, I can overcome any obstacle. Help me to take it one day at a time, trusting in your grace to sustain me. Grant me the resilience to keep pressing forward, even in the face of setbacks or discouragement.

I pray for a renewed sense of purpose in my life, Lord. Show me the plans you have for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future. Help me to use my past struggles and experiences to bring glory to your name, and to help others who are also trapped in the grip of addiction.

Lord, I pray for your healing touch upon every aspect of my being. Heal the physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds that have been caused by my addiction. Restore my relationships with loved ones that may have been strained or broken. Grant me the peace that surpasses all understanding, so that I may walk in victory each day.

I declare today that I am no longer a slave to addiction but a child of the Most High God. Thank you, Lord, for your unconditional love and grace. Thank you for your promise to deliver me from all my afflictions. I trust in your faithfulness and I believe that you are working in my life even now. May your name be glorified through my deliverance, and may my life be a testament to your redeeming power. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


Here are ten Bible verses that offer encouragement and guidance for deliverance from addictions, along with explanations of their meanings:

  1. Psalm 107:14 – “He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.” This verse reminds us that God has the power to free us from the darkness of addiction and break the chains that bind us. Through His mercy and grace, we can find deliverance and experience true freedom.
  2. John 8:36 – “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Jesus is the ultimate source of freedom. When we surrender our lives to Him and seek His deliverance, we can be assured that His transformative power will set us free from the bondage of addiction.
  3. 1 Corinthians 10:13 – “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” This verse assures us that God will never allow us to face a temptation that is beyond our ability to resist. He promises to provide a way of escape, giving us the strength to overcome our addictions.
  4. James 4:7 – “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Submitting ourselves to God involves surrendering our addictions to Him and acknowledging His authority over our lives. As we resist the devil’s influence and turn to God, we will experience victory over our addictions.
  5. 2 Corinthians 3:17 – “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” The Holy Spirit dwells within believers, and through His power, we can find freedom from addiction. By relying on the Spirit’s guidance and strength, we can break free from the bondage of addictive behaviors.
  6. Isaiah 41:10 – “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” This verse reminds us that God is always with us, even in the midst of our struggles. He promises to strengthen and support us as we seek deliverance from addiction.
  7. Romans 12:2 – “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Through the renewing of our minds, we can break free from the patterns of addiction. As we align our thoughts and desires with God’s will, we will experience transformation and find freedom.
  8. Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” This verse reminds us that we are not alone in our battle against addiction. Through Christ, we can find the strength to overcome any obstacle and achieve victory over our addictions.
  9. Galatians 5:1 – “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Christ’s sacrifice on the cross has set us free from the bondage of sin, including addiction. We are called to stand firm in our freedom, refusing to be entangled in the chains of addiction once again.
  10. Psalm 34:17-18 – “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” God hears the cries of those who seek deliverance from addiction. He is near to those who are brokenhearted and offers salvation and deliverance to those who are crushed in spirit.

These verses remind us of God’s power, faithfulness, and love. They assure us that deliverance from addictions is possible through His grace and strength. By meditating on these verses and incorporating them into our prayers, we can find hope, encouragement, and the courage to overcome our struggles.


As Christians seeking deliverance from addictions, here are some practical tips that can help in the journey towards freedom:

  1. Surrender to God: Begin by acknowledging your powerlessness over the addiction and surrendering it to God. Admit your need for His intervention and invite Him to take control of your life.
  2. Seek God’s Guidance: Develop a deeper relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, and meditation. Seek His wisdom and guidance in every step of your recovery journey.
  3. Surround Yourself with Support: Connect with a community of believers who can provide support, encouragement, and accountability. Join a support group or seek guidance from a trusted pastor or mentor who can help you navigate through the challenges of addiction.
  4. Practice Self-Care: Take care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Engage in activities that promote a healthy lifestyle, such as exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest. Nurture your spiritual life through regular prayer, worship, and participation in church activities.
  5. Identify Triggers and Establish Boundaries: Recognize the people, places, or situations that trigger your addictive behaviors. Take proactive steps to avoid or minimize exposure to these triggers. Set healthy boundaries to protect yourself from situations that may tempt you to relapse.
  6. Develop New Coping Mechanisms: Replace addictive behaviors with healthy coping mechanisms. Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as hobbies, volunteering, or spending time with supportive friends and family. Seek professional help if necessary to learn new strategies for managing stress and emotions.
  7. Practice Renewing Your Mind: Replace negative thought patterns with God’s truth. Meditate on Scripture that affirms your identity in Christ and His power to transform your life. Fill your mind with positive and uplifting messages through reading books or listening to sermons that inspire and encourage you.
  8. Embrace Accountability: Find an accountability partner or sponsor who can walk alongside you in your recovery journey. Share your struggles, victories, and setbacks with someone who can provide guidance, support, and prayer.
  9. Embrace Forgiveness: Extend forgiveness to yourself and others who may have contributed to your addiction. Release any guilt, shame, or resentment and allow God’s forgiveness and grace to bring healing and restoration to your life.
  10. Never Give Up: Remember that recovery is a process that takes time and effort. Be patient and persistent, knowing that God is with you every step of the way. Even if you stumble, get back up and continue to press forward. Trust in God’s faithfulness and His promise to bring deliverance and freedom.

Remember, the journey towards deliverance from addiction is unique for each individual. Seek God’s guidance, rely on His strength, and utilize the resources and support available to you. With God’s help, you can experience true freedom and a transformed life.


In conclusion, the prayer for deliverance from addictions is a heartfelt cry to God, acknowledging our struggles and seeking His intervention and healing. Through this prayer, we surrender our lives to His loving care, recognizing that only He has the power to break the chains of addiction and restore us to a life of freedom and purpose.

In this prayer, we find comfort in knowing that God is a compassionate and merciful Father who hears our cries and desires to set us free. We affirm our trust in His unfailing love and seek His guidance and strength as we navigate the journey of recovery.

This prayer reminds us of the power of the Holy Spirit, who dwells within us and empowers us to resist temptation, renew our minds, and find victory over addictive behaviors. It encourages us to rely on God’s grace and to surround ourselves with a supportive community that can provide encouragement and accountability.

Ultimately, this prayer reminds us that deliverance from addiction is possible through our faith in Jesus Christ. It is a declaration of our willingness to submit to God’s will and to walk in His freedom, knowing that He will guide us, sustain us, and lead us on the path to healing and wholeness.

As we pray this prayer for deliverance from addictions, let us hold fast to the promises of God’s Word, trust in His faithfulness, and have hope in His power to transform lives. May this prayer be a catalyst for our journey towards deliverance, reminding us to never give up, but to continue seeking God’s presence, seeking His grace, and seeking His deliverance in every step we take.

May the grace of God abound in our lives, granting us the strength to overcome addiction and live a life that brings honor and glory to His name. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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